Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Fiesta Bridal Shower

Here is a look at a fiesta theme bridal shower we put together. Maybe it will give you ideas for when you plan a fiesta.It was really fun to put together since you have a lot of options for this theme. We wanted to stick to not too much red, and keep it girly. We dug into some of our old pieces we used for past parties and transformed them to fit the theme. 

We did a How many m&m's are in a jar as one of the prize games. 

Mexican blankets make great table runners.

A little sangria station was very much needed!

 Indoor dessert table due to the hot weather turned out to be cute. The area was unexpected but we made it work.

The outdoor food area was organized by labels I came up with on publisher and printed out. Making things yourself is a lot more inexpensive!

My favorite was the centerpieces as they were El Pato sauce cans with cacti. I was happy to hear that the bride is obsessed with cacti just like me. It made it even more fun to share some of my cacti from my garden to use as decor. 

Each guest was given a maraca wrapped in tissue paper. Such a cute gift for guests.

Here is how we used the handmade tissue paper flowers. We used them as backdrop for photos. It is a bit difficult to figure out where to place Photo areas, or tables when you have no idea what the place looks like until the day of the party, but you gotta work with what you get. In the end it all turned out pretty great! 

Be sure to follow us on Instagram-@catchherdreaming for more updates!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Fiesta Paper Flowers

Last week Mel hosted a bridal shower for one of her friends. This time the theme was Fiesta, so we gathered our ideas and made it come to life. Here I will show you how to make the paper flowers we used to display at the party.  

The first step is to take four sheets of tissue paper and fold it accordion style.

At about two inches from the edge, staple the fold.

At both ends cut a scalloped design to give the flower petals.

Gently separate each piece of paper from the rest.

Lift up the rest from the other end.

Repeat each step until you have four.

Grab a paper plate and use your glue gun to start gluing each part together. 

You will end up with a nice puffy flower

For easy hanging, I punched two holes on both the bottom and top of the plate. I then threaded a piece of string though and tied the ends.

You can use the same technique and experiment with different colors and sizes. 

This was the final look for the party. These flowers make an awesome background for pictures. Hope you enjoyed this quick and easy project.

Stay tuned for more pictures of the Fiesta Bridal Shower. 

Follow us on instagram: @catchherdreaming

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Living simple

Living life simpler ( by simple I don't mean easier) but rather clear of clutter or stuff in my surrounding environment has made a huge change in my life. The past few months I have become inspired by watching YouTube Videos from More Melody, and other minimalist bloggers. As I know I will probably not become an extreme minimalist, I have been inspired to live with less stuff. Truth is, I find that I've always liked living simpler. I've learned many new tips  to help me reduce my stuff and I wanted to share a couple on here.

1.Getting rid of junk! Now I admit this is a slow process, and a hard one but you gotta let things go! I've been going through my closet several times now and I gotta say each time I go in, I try to find at LEAST one item I can donate. If I haven't touched an item in a year or two, it's likely I won't wear/use it again. So why not give the item to someone who can enjoy the item as soon as possible. And I get what you're thinking but what if my stuff was expensive? Sell it on an app such as Depop <-- Find us on there.  I used to hold on to things for some pretty dumb reasons and still do, (its a process), but at the end of the day I have to remember, its just a material item, that will stay on this earth when I die. :P

2.Stop buying more junk! I can't begin to tell you how much easier it is to keep areas clean without having so much junk! I am officially done buying stuff because its cute or on sale! I'm taking a break on buying decor and all the junk that sucks me in at the clearance section at Marshall's. Not only am I not bringing home more junk, but I'm saving money honey! 

3. I've learned that  wanting to live simpler, does not mean everyone will want to join you! Don't assume the people you live with want to live simpler too, some people really like stuff. Stay away from the stuff that isn't yours! You wanting to change your lifestyle doesn't mean everyone will support your change. It takes time for someone to understand or get inspired, and it does get frustrating because sometimes their junk gets in the way. Just be patient and maybe just maybe they will want to live simpler too!

4. If you bring an item in, you gotta take one out! I have this rule for myself and I'm glad I do. If I bring in a new something, I look through the old stuff and find something to either donate or sale, this way I'm not collecting things that are similar in use or function. 

I hope these tips help you start off living simpler. I'm not an expert, I'm just going through this journey. I want to be content living with less, and not letting "stuff" take over my life. I want space to breathe not be covered in junk. 

Here is one of the first places I tackled: my dresser! 

I know it doesn't look so bad but its amazing the difference it makes. 

I have to admit I didn't like how clear it looked at first,  but I like it now. If you are wondering why I have plate it's because that's where I place my makeup so I don't ruin my dresser! With less stuff it has been so much easier for me to keep the top of the dresser clean. I like how everything has a place/home now and I'm not overwhelmed with stuff. 

I will be blogging more about living simpler so stay tuned for that! 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Spring Yard Sale Finds

I went to a few yard sales over the weekend and scored some amazing finds all for just $1.50! I was so excited about my finds I wanted to share them with you. 

The first yard sale I stopped at was an estate sale. Normally I find estate sales to be weird because its shopping inside of a strangers house. I decided to take a look and the lady that was selling had a room full of books. I was about to walk away and go home after not finding anything, when in the corner of my eye I spot a Charlie Brown book. If you know me I love Peanuts and Charlie Brown is one of my favorite classics. I went to grab the book and discovered a pile of vintage Charlie Brown books from the 60's! I was going crazy and asked the lady how much she wanted for each, and she said " I don't really care much for them you can take them for free." What?! I couldn't believe it! So I dug through and found 6 books  which I already gave two away to a friend.  I wanted to grab more from the pile because she had about 15 but most of them had torn covers and the pages had marked writing all over them.  The ones I got are in really good condition with a few tears. I just love them! 

The second yard sale I went to was full a bunch of cool stuff. I ended up finding these beautiful butterflies for 50 cents! At first I didn't know how I felt about having dead insects hanging on a wall. Then I realized they are too beautiful to be sitting in someones garage and not be seen! I hung them on my wall as soon as I got home and I just love looking at them. 

The last item I found was at the same yard sale and I think is my favorite find. When I saw it I fell in love with it.  I really like things that are patriotic ESPECIALLY when they are handmade. This lovely sweater was hand knitted! I think its beautiful while I know others may think its a bit cheesy I don't care I like cheese. (ha) I can't wait to wear it in the Fall. Yes I said Fall. It's already 80 degrees out in this desert!  

Did I mention it was only a $1?!

Anyway, I will be going yard sale shopping more often now that the weather is nice. I also will be going thrifting more often although I don't think thrift stores can beat yard sales! 

I'm a happy little camper!

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram- @catchherdreaming

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