This is the first part of our Bridal Shower planning series. This past month we celebrated our dear friends bridal shower and planned, decorated, and even made the cake for the shower. I loved how everything turned out and it felt good to say we made everything ourselves. It was simple yet elegant with gold and pink as the main colors. Here's one of my favorite projects we did for the party, and I love how I can still use them as everyday home décor and for other parties in the future.
For this Golden Book DIY you will need the following:
Gold spray paint- $2.99 Walmart
Old Hardcover Books- .50-$3.00 Yard sales/ thrift stores
We wanted to have these books be our centerpieces so we went with a big book on the bottom and placed smaller ones on top. You want to make sure the pages are all intact and the edges are in good condition, otherwise you'll end up with a highly noticeable damaged, golden book.
Spray away. It's that simple. Just make sure you allow it to fully dry or else your fingerprints will show up on the surface. It amazes me how an old book can change into something elegant looking in an instant. Gold spray paint does make everything better!
I used all these items as décor pieces that I will be showing on later posts
Cardboard Letters-$2.50 on sale Hobby Lobby
Little Love sign- $2.99 Hobby Lobby
Mason Jars- .99

You can add Glitter if you would like for a special touch.
Stay Tuned for more DIY ideas from the bridal shower.