Thursday, April 23, 2015

How to plant cacti

I have to admit I'm a plant hoarder,more like a cactus hoarder. I can't get enough cacti and I'm not willing to stop buying them. They are just so unique and cute I just can't get over them! So you might wonder what the best way to plant them in bigger pots without having your fingers poked by the spines, because lets face it you have to love cacti from a distance. I've had several cacti attacks so here's my simple way to help you plant your cacti without getting hurt!

You will need the following:
Cacti/succulent soil mix
Garden gloves
A planter/pot
A hand shove
A watering can
Cute cacti

This first step is optional but important if your planter does not have any drainage. Fill the bottom of the planter with sand or small rocks. This will help consume water and keep your plant from rotting due to over-watering. When it comes to cacti, I prefer to use a planter with drainage and recommend you do as well especially if its your first time having a cactus. 

 Put on your gloves  and grab your hand shovel to make a hole in your planter.  Then grab your tongs and place them over the plant. Make sure you only use them for plants and not food! You want to wiggle the plastic pot and push the plant until you get it out like above. If you are afraid of smashing the spines of the cacti, you can place the tongs on the root part of the plant and gently place it in the pot.

Place your cacti into the hole you made and adjust it with the tongs. Add more soil surrounded the plant.

I added rocks around my plant to keep my dogs from eating the soil and poking themselves with the spines but this step is optional. 

There is a variety of cacti species out there and each have different spine types. Some are more hurtful than others, just make sure you take precaution when handling them. Always use tongs to keep your hands and gloves away from cacti, gloves are not always thick enough and can end up being filled with spines. Don't get intimidated by the spines, you can enjoy your cacti from a distance!
 Follow us on instagram @catchherdreaming and let us know if you have any tips on planting cacti.

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