Friday, January 23, 2015

Instagram Round Up

Heres a look at these past weeks Instagram round up 

My friend Teresa has been a great Catch Her Dreaming supporter. She's taken some of our product pictures and here she's in one of the bows you can find here on our shop.

 I've been obsessed with Target One Spot! They have so many cute items and most are only $1. I love the quality and designs. 

 I was tagged for #wid ( What I'm Doing)  and this is basically what my morning look like with a cup of coffee on the side of course. 
I love our new Catch Her Dreaming Packaging. This package went off of someone special who moved to New York. Our warm beanies and scarves are perfect for cold weather.
You can follow us on instagram @catchherdreaming to keep up with our instagram feed. 

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