Friday, December 19, 2014

DIY Ribbon Bookmark

Here's a quick little last minute DIY just in time for gift wrapping all those Christmas presents. This ribbon bookmark adds an extra touch to any gift weather it id for Christmas or all year round. 

You will be needing a glue gun and wired ribbon of your choice. (Make sure it is wired that way the ribbon is easier to manipulate.)

Fold and overlap the ribbon over and over again until you get a desired look and glue down.You can make it as long as you would like. I used a book to measure the size I wanted mine to be. 

Once you are done gluing you can leave it as is or you can glue a piece of cord to the back of the bookmark and add it to a tag like below. You can also cut the end of the ribbon to finish off the bookmark however you want. You can make many different colors and styles to match any occasion.  

 Show us your DIY ribbon bookmarks by tagging @catchherdreaming on Instagram.

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Monday, December 15, 2014

Make your own gift-wrapping bow wreath

If you are like me and are not done decorating for Christmas, you will love this simple and inexpensive bow wreath! It's perfect to add a little holiday cheer to your home or office. 

You will need gift wrapping bows, a floral wreath (I found mine at a dollar store), and a glue gun. 

Place the bows in whatever order you will like and then grab your glue gun and glue them into place. You can go ahead and add bows to the sides or inside if you would like. Then you will be done! You can mix and match patterns or follow one color scheme. Be sure to #catchherdreaming if you make your own so we can see it! Follow us on instagram @catchherdreaming

 photo poooooooooo_zps491c80aa.png

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