Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hollywood Theme Party

A while back ago one of Mel's friend asked if we could help her put together a Hollywood themed party for her daughter who was turning 10. She wanted the party to be on a low budget so we handmade most of the decorations and Mel also made the cake.Here's a look at the party planning. 

We wanted to create some type of banner to place on the cake so we ended up doing these simple signs to go with the Hollywood theme. 

 To make your own all you need are some letter stickers, toothpicks, tape and card stock. Simply cut even rectangles or squares and place a letter sticker on top. Tape a toothpick on the back and its ready to place on a cake!

A custom made mini stage was set in the middle of the backyard we placed some letters and stars we spray painted on a piece of table cloth taped to the back of the tent.The stage was used to present the best dressed awards. Each child walked down the red carpet and was given a special moment on stage after receiving a mini Oscar.

Red Carpet and entrance to the party
Even the dog house had some Hollywood glam.

 Custom made vanity for the party. I have to say this was a success. The kids loved dressing up and taking pictures.

Here's the cake we ended up designing and making. We did add spotlights to it with real flashing lights. It was the first cake we made with fondant and we really loved how it turned out. The birthday girl approved she was so excited! 
The end result. The hard work and time was worth it. Can't wait to see what else we have to plan next!
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram -@catchherdreaming 

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