Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Diy Sugar Scrub

I have been using this scrub for a while now and have noticed how soft my skin has become. It's natural and so inexpensive, also great for everyday use. During the winter my skin gets extremely dry. My hands and elbows get so rough so I started using this sugar scrub and my hands and elbows now feel so smooth. The sugar exfoliates and gets rid if dead skin cells while the olive oil leaves your skin moisturized. This stuff works really good on your lips too. I just put some on, rub my lips together, rinse it off and voila! Soft baby lips!  
Make this scrub with only three easy steps:

Step 1- Grab an empty container and add granulated sugar either half way or as much as you would like to make. I reused one of my Bath and Body works candle jars to store it in. This also makes a great gift idea just fill the jar up with the scrub!

Step 2- Add olive over the sugar and mix it until it looks like this. You can also try using coconut oil which ever you prefer!

Step 3-  Use it during a shower rub it all over your skin and wash it off. Results? Soft and smooth skin.

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