Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year can start any day

It's a new year again! I honestly don't know where 2013 went because I still feel like we should be in September. I feel like someone pressed the fast forward button on 2013. 


 Well as a new year people start new year resolutions and wait on a new year to change things in their lives. I myself am guilty of waiting to start changes in my life but I realized that a new year can start any day. We just have to stay focused and say "I'm going to start today and a year from now I'll be glad I did". I just wanted to let you all know that its okay to wait for a new year to start on new things but don't forget a new year can start any day. Don't beat yourself up when you failed at what you planned on changing or doing. Pick yourself back up and start again. And don't get mad for putting something off, (I'm guilty of that one) start fresh and focus on what you want. Motivate yourself and it will get done! 
Start the year off right and let go of things you can not change. Whatever is keeping you from moving forward let it go. Forgive those who have done you wrong and let them go. Let go and you will see how you will feel peace in your heart. Let GO! It's a new year weather you start your new year today or any day, remember to make new friends, take a risk, do something new, and most important do what you love! Happy 2014!
 May this year be filled with exciting new things!

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