Monday, February 22, 2016

Spring Yard Sale Finds

I went to a few yard sales over the weekend and scored some amazing finds all for just $1.50! I was so excited about my finds I wanted to share them with you. 

The first yard sale I stopped at was an estate sale. Normally I find estate sales to be weird because its shopping inside of a strangers house. I decided to take a look and the lady that was selling had a room full of books. I was about to walk away and go home after not finding anything, when in the corner of my eye I spot a Charlie Brown book. If you know me I love Peanuts and Charlie Brown is one of my favorite classics. I went to grab the book and discovered a pile of vintage Charlie Brown books from the 60's! I was going crazy and asked the lady how much she wanted for each, and she said " I don't really care much for them you can take them for free." What?! I couldn't believe it! So I dug through and found 6 books  which I already gave two away to a friend.  I wanted to grab more from the pile because she had about 15 but most of them had torn covers and the pages had marked writing all over them.  The ones I got are in really good condition with a few tears. I just love them! 

The second yard sale I went to was full a bunch of cool stuff. I ended up finding these beautiful butterflies for 50 cents! At first I didn't know how I felt about having dead insects hanging on a wall. Then I realized they are too beautiful to be sitting in someones garage and not be seen! I hung them on my wall as soon as I got home and I just love looking at them. 

The last item I found was at the same yard sale and I think is my favorite find. When I saw it I fell in love with it.  I really like things that are patriotic ESPECIALLY when they are handmade. This lovely sweater was hand knitted! I think its beautiful while I know others may think its a bit cheesy I don't care I like cheese. (ha) I can't wait to wear it in the Fall. Yes I said Fall. It's already 80 degrees out in this desert!  

Did I mention it was only a $1?!

Anyway, I will be going yard sale shopping more often now that the weather is nice. I also will be going thrifting more often although I don't think thrift stores can beat yard sales! 

I'm a happy little camper!

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram- @catchherdreaming

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