Monday, March 31, 2014

Five Simple ways to save money

1. Buy only if you need

Every time I go shopping I always ask myself "Do I really need this?". I've been doing this for a while now and realized how much money I saved by not buying things I do not need. It may be hard at first to say no to something you really like but think about it, you don't need so many tops or accessories. I have donated tons of clothing items I once bought, thinking I'll wear it, and end up not using. It's really just a waste of money and takes up space in my closet.

2. Clean sweep

 Dig though your stuff. You will find things you forgot you had. Trust me this really helps because instead of buying new stuff you get to style what you found. 

3. Stay Away

Stay away from stores! This is has helped me save like crazy. I would go shopping to target every week and spend $20-30 on stuff I don't need. I decided to go less often and I've noticed a huge difference. I try staying away from stores I know will have something good I would want to buy. The key really is just stay away, do not go to the store unless you need to. 

4. Look for good deals 

Don't be afraid of looking through the clearance section. I've found many good items on the clearance rack, things I had planned on buying before. I once bought a shirt for full price only to find it 75% off a few weeks later. You can find some really good things on the clearance rack, just keep an open mind.

5. Hide your money

Before you head out the door only carry with you certain amount of cash. I tend to overspend when I know I have more cash in my wallet. If you are a card person start carrying around cash and try to stay away from card swiping. 

Follow these tips and I'm sure you'll notice a huge difference! Think about it all that money you save can go towards a nice vacay or in my case a new camera. Let me know how it goes and Good luck! 

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